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Ohio Court Records

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Hamilton County Arrest Records

Arrest records are official law enforcement documents that detail the circumstances of individuals' arrests. An arrest may become necessary if law enforcement officers have evidence or probable cause that a person has committed an offense or may breach the law. In Hamilton County, Ohio, the Hamilton County Sheriff's OfficeCincinnati Police DepartmentOhio State Highway Patrol, and municipal police departments generate arrest records in their lines of official duties. Hamilton County may hold arrestees, detainees, and inmates at any of the following facilities:

  • Hamilton County Justice Center
  • Woodburn Avenue Detention Center
  • Hamilton County Juvenile Court Youth Center
  • Hamilton County Workhouse (Turning Point)
  • Local law enforcement agencies jails.

Arrest records are part of Hamilton County court records because they provide information for early the stage of criminal trials within the county's courts.

Are Arrest Records Public in Hamilton County?

Hamilton County arrest records are public documents and are accessible to interested persons. Ohio Rev. Code § 149.43(B)(2) establishes the public's right to access government records in the custody of state, counties, cities, townships, villages, school districts, and other government records custodian agencies.

Notwithstanding the public availability of Hamilton County arrest records, Ohio laws exempt public access to

  • Juvenile arrest records
  • Confidential law enforcement investigatory records
  • Arrest records whose public access may compromise public security and breach state and federal laws
  • Sealed and expunged arrest records.

Also, Ohio laws authorize the redaction of the following information from publicly accessible Hamilton County arrest records if available:

  • Victim information
  • Security and infrastructure records
  • Personal Information of Law Enforcement Personnel
  • Medical and Psychological Records of the owners of the records.

To access Hamilton County-exempted arrest records, a requester must have legal standing. For instance, exempted arrest records may be available to law enforcement agencies, the owners of the records, or representatives of interested parties to the cases resulting from the arrests. Nevertheless, the law emphasizes the protection of victim and witness information when releasing Hamilton County arrest records to the public.

What Do Public Arrest Records Contain?

An arrest record contains information detailing the circumstances under which law enforcement takes an individual into custody. Typically, arrest records contain the following information:

  • Personal details of the arrestee (this includes full name, aliases, address, date of birth, gender, race, and physical description)
  • Date, time, and location of arrest
  • Arresting officers and the agency responsible for the arrest
  • Charges against the arrestee (this describes the offense and its severity)
  • Booking information (such as booking number, date and time of booking, mugshots, and fingerprints)
  • Bail and Custody information (this encompasses bail amount, custody status, and detention facility)
  • Court case number, date of appearance in court, and disposition (if the arrest results in a court case)
  • Incident Report.

Hamilton County Crime Rate

According to the FBI crime statistics, larceny thefts are the most consistent crime in Hamilton County, Ohio. In 2022, property-related crimes accounted for 14,124 of the 16,625 reported crimes in Hamilton County, and larceny theft comprised 9,359 property-related thefts.

Also, there were 8,979 larceny-theft crimes within Hamilton County, Ohio in 2021. This figure accounts for 61.4% of crimes reported by the Cincinnati Police Department, the Hamilton County Sheriff's Office, the Springfield Police Department, and the Hamilton County Park District in 2021. The table below compares the number of violent, property-related, and larceny-theft crimes reported by various agencies in Hamilton County, Ohio, in 2021 and 2022.

Reporting Agency Year Violent Crimes Property-related Crimes Larceny-theft
Cincinnati Police Department 2021 2,303 10,173 6,924
2022 2,295 11,595 7,715
Hamilton County Park District 2021 4 52 46
2022 3 101 90
Hamilton County Sheriff's Office 2021 163 1,459 1,191
2022 165 1,905 1,644
Springfield Police Department 2021 57 421 321
2022 39 523 407

Data Source: FBI Crime Data Explorer.

Hamilton County Arrest Statistics

Arrest statistics for Hamilton County, Ohio, provide an overview of the county's crime rate and criminal justice system. The FBI crime data offer insight into crime and arrest statistics as reported by various law enforcement agencies within Hamilton County, Ohio. Per the FBI Crime Data Explorer, 7,872 arrests were reported by the Cincinnati Police Department, the Hamilton Park District, Sheriff's Office, and the Springfield Police Department in 2022. This figure is 8.4% higher than the number of arrests in 2021. The table below shows the number of arrests reported to the FBI by law enforcement agencies in Hamilton County in 2021 and 2022.

Agency 2022 2021
Cincinnati Police Department 5,872 5,580
Hamilton County Park District 27 6
Hamilton County Sheriff's Office 1,089 849
Springfield City Police Department 884 830
Total 7,872 7,265

Data Source: FBI Uniform Crime Reporting Program (UCR).

Find Hamilton County Arrest Records

Hamilton County arrest records are publicly accessible. To access arrest records in Hamilton County:

  • Log in to the Hamilton County, Ohio Inmate Search Page and use a name to obtain arrest records through inmate records
  • Call the Hamilton County, Ohio Sheriff's Office at (513) 946-6400 or (513) 474-5770 and request access to arrest records, or make in-person visits to the following addresses:

1000 Sycamore Street,
OH 45202

5555 Hamilton Avenue,
OH 45238

  • Call or visit the Cincinnati Police Department or any law enforcement agency within Hamilton County that executed the specific arrest and request access to their arrest records.

Free Arrest Record Search in Hamilton County

Per the Ohio Sunshine Laws, government records custodians can charge reasonable fees for labor, copying, and making copies of public records to requesters. Nevertheless, interested persons may access Hamilton County arrest records for free. To look for Hamilton County arrest records at no cost:

  • Log in to the Hamilton County, Ohio Sheriff's Office Inmate Search Page and access arrest records on inmate records
  • Search for Hamilton County arrest records online through third-party websites. Arrest records may be available through private online repositories with databases of law enforcement records.
  • Log in to the Hamilton County, Ohio Clerk of Courts Records Search Page and use online search tools to look for arrest records for free using a name as the search criterion.
  • Visit local libraries and search for Hamilton County arrest records through available public records databases.

Get Hamilton County Criminal Records

Hamilton County criminal records refer to official documents detailing individuals' crime histories and prosecutions within the county's criminal justice system. In Hamilton County, the following agencies are responsible for maintaining criminal records:

  • Hamilton County Sheriff's Office
  • Hamilton County Clerk of Courts
  • Cincinnati Police Department
  • Ohio Bureau of Criminal Investigation (BCI)
  • Hamilton County Prosecutor’s Office.

To access Hamilton County, Ohio criminal records:

  • Log in to the Hamilton County, Ohio Clerk of Courts Records Request Page:

  • Scroll down and download a Document Request Form

  • Fill out the request form and mail it to:

The Hamilton County Clerk of Courts
1000 Main Street, Room 315
Ohio 45202

  • Visit the Hamilton County, Ohio Sheriff's Office website:

  • Navigate to the Justice Center Services Inmate Search Page and use a name to search for inmates’ criminal records

  • Call or visit the Cincinnati Police Department at:

801 Linn St,
OH 45203
Phone: (513) 352-6903

Hamilton County Arrest Records Vs. Criminal Records

In Hamilton County, Ohio, and the rest of the United States, arrest and criminal records are crucial for maintaining public security and order. Notwithstanding, there are distinctions between an arrest record and a criminal record. The table below outlines the key differences between Hamilton County arrests and criminal records.

Comparison Criteria Arrest Records Criminal Records
  • Arrest records cover specific incidents of arrest
  • Criminal records detail crime histories and interactions with the criminal justice systems
  • Arrest records information include:
    • Personal details of the owners of the records
    • Events leading to arrests
    • Booking details
  • Criminal records encompass arrest details and information on court proceedings, Judgments, sentencing, and incarcerations
  • Arrest records are crucial for law enforcement investigations. Also, they provide preliminary information for criminal trials
  • Hamilton County, Ohio criminal records are vital for background checks, judicial decisions such as sentencing, and determining jail time or probation. Also, criminal records are tools for tracking repeat offenders
Public Access
  • Generally, arrest records are more acceptable than criminal records
  • Access to Hamilton County criminal records may require authorization.

How Long Do Arrests Stay on Your Record?

An arrest may stay on a record indefinitely if the owner of the record does not take legal steps to remove it. However, per Ohio Revised Code § 2953.31 – 2953.62, the owner of an arrest record can file a petition to seal it if they are eligible.

Expunge Hamilton County Arrest Records

To seal an arrest in Hamilton County, Ohio, the owner of the record must be eligible and fulfill the requirements outlined in the Ohio Revised Codes Sections 2953.31 through 2953.36. Ohio laws permit expungement for dismissed or acquitted charges if:

  • There is acquittal or no conviction of the accused
  • The petition for expungement is for non-violent misdemeanor or felony cases
  • A waiting period of one year (for misdemeanors) or three years (for felonies) has elapsed after the final discharge
  • There are no more than one felony or two misdemeanor convictions (one felony and one misdemeanor or no felony and two misdemeanor convictions).

In addition, an individual filing a petition to seal a Hamilton County arrest record must not have pending criminal charges and complete the sentence or rehabilitation resulting from the conviction. Also, the record expungement must be in the public interest. To file a petition for sealing of Hamilton County arrest records:

  • Gather supporting documents that will aid the petition (these may include documents relating to the arrest, fingerprint records from the Ohio Bureau of Criminal Identification and Investigation, and photo ID)
  • Download a Petition for Sealing of Records Form from the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts website
  • Complete the petition form, attach the supporting documents, and submit it to the clerk's office of the court that handled the cases that resulted from the arrest.
  • Pay the applicable filing fee (the amount depends on the specific court)
  • Serve a copy of the petition to the Hamilton County, Ohio Prosecutor's Office
  • Attend any hearing on the petition to provide evidence or answers to objections that may arise from interested parties.

The judge will review the evidence and objections from the Prosecutor's Office or other interested parties and come to a decision. If the petition is successful, the court will issue an order to the Hamilton County Clerk of Courts to seal the records.

Hamilton County Arrest Warrants

An arrest warrant is an official document that authorizes law enforcement to take a person into custody and bring them before a judge. A judge/magistrate may issue an arrest warrant if a person commits a crime or there is evidence a person may commit a crime. In Hamilton County, Ohio, law enforcement may have to show probable cause to obtain arrest warrants.

A Hamilton County, Ohio warrant typically contains the following information:

  • Full name, aliases, date of birth, and physical description of the suspect
  • Details of offense ( this includes a description of the offense and statutory reference)
  • Warrant information such as:
    • Type of warrant
    • Date of issuance
    • Issuing authority
    • Court Information (this includes name, jurisdiction, and location of the authorizing court)
  • Law enforcement information (this encompasses the name of the agency executing the warrant, the executing officers’ names, and badge numbers)
  • Conditions of the warrant (this outlines how the arresting agency should execute the warrant and bail information such as bail set amount and the conditions for bail).

Hamilton County Arrest Warrant Search

There are several options to look for information on Hamilton County active arrest warrants. To search for active arrest warrants in Hamilton County, Ohio:

  • Call, email, or mail the Hamilton County, Ohio Sheriff's Office at

1228 Central Parkway, Cincinnati,
OH 45214.
Phone: (513) 946-6400
Email: publicrecords@hcso.org,

  • Visit the Cincinnati Police Department website, navigate to the Police Press Release Page, and search for information on active arrest warrants
  • Call or visit the Hamilton County, Ohio Clerk of Courts Office for information on court-issued arrest warrants at:

1000 Main St, Cincinnati,
OH 45202
Phone: (513) 946-5656

Do Hamilton County Arrest Warrants Expire?

In Hamilton County (and the rest of the United States), an arrest warrant will remain active until law enforcement apprehends the wanted person or a court recalls the warrant. Nevertheless, arrest warrants will become inactive at the death of the suspect or fugitive.

  • Criminal Records
  • Arrests Records
  • Warrants
  • Driving Violations
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